Public Health Literacy and Community Media in Europe
Within the European project E3J (European Excellence Exchange in Journalism) COMMIT and Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) are pleased to invite to a one-day conference in Vienna, completing the community media part of the 2-year project. Eight community media from the component’s four focus countries have, for the past seven months, worked to turn their proposed Public Health Literacy Programme Series real, via workshop participation, exchange and community engagement. The four countries are: Austria, Denmark, Ireland and Spain. Background research has been carried out in the four countries around public health literacy and community media to inform the workshops and the work by the grantees.
The conference will bring together broadcasters from the eight grantee-stations along with representatives from the unsuccessful applicants. Furthermore, the implementers and facilitators, including public health and community media experts will be present.
The objective of the conference is, besides from celebrating the successful conclusion of an intensive project component, for experts and broadcasters to share experiences and learning from the community media part of the E3J, with an objective to spur continued networking around Public Health Literacy programming.
The programme of the day will include presentations by the eight radio stations and a panel presenting the background research carried out in the four focus countries. The team’s ‘Online Learning Resource’ will be presented: a platform taking interested community media through the process to establish a public health editorial group and programme series. The afternoon will conclude with work in five groups to sum up the learning of the day and chart the course onwards. After a presentation of RSF’s Journalism Trust Initiative, the conference ends.
See the detailed programme here (PDF)
See the complete community media training and production report here (PDF)
See the community media production report here (PDF)
Location of the conference: Presseclub Concordia, Bankgasse 8, 1010 Vienna
Schedule for the conference: Friday, January 19, 2024 from 9:00-17:00
Registration: If you are interested in attending the conference in person, please write an e-mail to Andrea Sedlaczek (COMMIT):
Remote participation via Zoom from 9:00 to 14:45 is possible:
Zoom-Link | Meeting-ID: 951 0020 3345 | Passcode: 19012024
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