Using Community Radio to empower women - the case of the Sahel
Unter dem Titel „Empowerment Media“ veranstaltet COMMIT 2021 eine Online-Reihe zu den Themen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Medien und Diversität. In der zweiten Ausgabe sprechen wir mit Emma Heywood von der University of Sheffield über die Rolle von Community Radio in der afrikanischen Sahel-Region. Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Am Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2021 von 16.30 – 18.00 via Zoom.
Wednesday, May 12, 4:30 pm CET via Zoom.
Using community radio to empower women - the case of the Sahel
Community radio for many women in the Sahel region of Africa is an essential lifeline. But why is it so important? Why radio and not other media? Which qualities does it have which allow it to bring women together, empower them and shape their lives? Why is radio still relevant on so many communities?
Drawing on extensive field work conducted in Niger and Mali and other online projects conducted during the pandemic in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso, Emma will discuss the impact of radio on women’s lives in these countries. She will outline how the needs of audiences – both men and women - must be taken into account for radio broadcasting to be effective. If you are trying to empower women, for example, is your understanding of ‘empowerment’ the same as your audience’s? Emma will also talk about how representations of women in radio broadcasts can shape understandings of topics and how, if care isn’t taken, broadcasts can perpetuate stereotypes of women.
Dr Emma Heywood is a researcher and lecturer in Journalism, Radio and Communication at the University of Sheffield in the UK. Her research focuses on the role and impact of radio in conflict-affected areas. She is principal investigator on two large research projects: a large UKRI-funded project investigating perceptions and representations of women’s rights and empowerment by radio in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso; and an urgent Covid-19 response project, funded by by the charitable organisation Elrha, examining the use of radio and social media to address misinformation about the pandemic among internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Burkina Faso. Both projects build on current work by the FemmePowermentAfrique project, which Emma leads.
Emma’s profile page at the University of Sheffield
Termin und Ort / Date
Mittwoch, 12. Mai 16.30 – 18.00 auf der Plattform Zoom. (Meeting-Link wird nach der Anmeldung zugesandt; bitte für den Technik-Check ein paar Minuten früher einsteigen)
Wednesday, May 12, 4:30 pm CET via Zoom (We will e-mail you the Zoom-Link after registration).
Teilnahmebeitrag / Participation fees
Die Teilnahme ist für alle Interessierten kostenfrei / no participation fees
Anmeldung / Registration
über unser ANMELDEFORMULAR oder per E-Mail (
Wir bitten um verbindliche Anmeldung bis spätestens 11.5.2021.
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Weitere Informationen / For more information:
Simon Olipitz (COMMIT): / +43 699 10 95 7171
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