Sound Design for Podcasts
Podcasts are more than just spoken words. Sound design helps create an immersive atmosphere, bringing the narrative to life. It adds emotional depth, enhances storytelling, and elevates the listening experience. Whether it's a true-crime podcast, an interview format, or a narrative documentary, well-executed sound design can make the difference between an average podcastand a captivating one.
What to Expect in the Workshop:
- Introduction to the basics of sound design: sound effects, music, and their impact.
- Why and how sound design supports the structure and content of a podcast.
- Practical tips on how to creatively and effectively use sound to engage your listeners.
- Joint listening and analysis of podcasts from different genres to better understand various approaches and sound design techniques.
- By the end of the workshop, you will have a deeper understanding of how sound works in podcasts and how to use it effectively in your own projects to add depth to your stories and captivate your audiece..:
- This workshop is aimed at podcasters, audio artists, and anyone interested in learning more about the potential of sound design and how to apply it to their own creative projects.
Über die Workshopleiterin/ About:
Astrid Drechsler studierte Telekommunikation und Medien an der FH St. Pölten. Zwischen 2008 und 2011 arbeitete sie als freie Produktionstechnikerin im Hörfunk des ORF Funkhaus Wien. Im Zuge dessen hat sie nicht nur an diversen Live- und Studioproduktionen im ORF Funkhaus, sondern auch im Musikverein, Konzerthaus und in der Staatsoper Wien als Produktionstechnikerin mitgearbeitet. Von 2010 bis 2014 war sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institute for Creative\Media/Technologies der FH St. Pölten, wo sie sich unter anderem mit Fragestellungen der Sound Studies auseinandergesetzt hat. 2013 gründete sie eine Multimedia-Agentur und produziert seit dem für Hörspiel, Feature und Film als Toningenieurin und Sound Designerin. Zwischen 2014 und 2020 war sie künstlerische Mitarbeiterin an der Professur Experimentelles Radio der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Seit 2020 ist sie Dozentin für Sound Design an der FH Joanneum im Studiengang Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design.
Astrid Drechsler studied telecommunications and media at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten. Between 2008 and 2011 she worked as a freelance production technician in the radio department of ORF Funkhaus Vienna. In the course of this, she not only worked on various live and studio productions at the ORF Funkhaus, but also at the Musikverein, Konzerthaus and the Vienna State Opera. From 2010 to 2014, she was a research assistant at the Institute for Creative\Media/Technologies at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, where she has done research in the field of sound studies. In 2013 she founded a multimedia agency and has been producing for radio plays, radio features and films as a sound engineer and sound designer since then. Between 2014 and 2020 she was an artistic assistant at the Chair of Experimental Radio at the Bauhaus-University Weimar. Since 2020 she has been a lecturer for sound design at the FH Joanneum in the Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design course.
Zeit und Ort:
Freitag, 27. September 2024 von 16:00 bis 20:00 Uhr in der CTW 2024 Festival Location, Schaumbad, Puchstraße 41, 8020 Graz
Infos und Anmeldungen unter:
Ein Workshop in Kooperation mit Radio Helsinki im Rahmen des Festivals Claim the Waves
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