New Neighbours: Creating Intercultural Media Narratives
New Neighbours Online Webinar
Creating intercultural media narratives
Monday, February 22nd, 14:00-15:30
Media professionals are coming together to share what it means to work on intercultural media projects during the New Neighbours online Webinar. Over the past 24 months, the European Broadcasting Union and its project partners CMFE – Community Media Forum Europe, COMMIT, COSPE Onlus and MDI – Media Diversity Institute have been implementing good practices of promoting direct participation of migrants and refugees in European media productions.Nowthe time has come to look back and ask: what has worked well? What surprised us? And what would have needed more time to fulfil our expectations?
Some answers and lessons learnt will be shared in a 90-minute online conference on
Monday, February 22nd, 14:00-15:30 with people behind the EU-funded New Neighbours project. Journalists, community media producers, experts with a migratory background, campaigners and public service media professionals will discuss how to create successful intercultural media projects and why this is pivotal.
You will hear from:
- Agnese Papadia, European Commission policy officer at DG Migration
- Wouter Gekiere, Head of Brussels Office at EBU
- Anna Meli, Communications Director at COSPE, Florence
- Roufine Songue and Rouby Baba-Traoré, producers of Our Voice at Radio RDL, Freiburg
- Selma Cherif and Diana Bota from Mondinsieme, Reggio Emilia
- Tea Vidovi?, migration expert at the Centre for Peace Studies (CPS), Zagreb
- Greta Wessing, co-chair of the Refugee Law Clinic Berlin (RLCB), Berlin
- Marco Farina, director of Human Rights Youth Organization (HRYO), Italy
- Marisa Torres da Silva, assistant professor at NOVA University, Lisbon
- Helmut Peissl, Director of COMMIT, Vienna
The Webinar Creating intercultural media narratives will be moderated from the European Broadcasting Union in Brussels by Jeroen Depraetere, EBU Project Manager, in cooperation with storytelling coach Beatrice Ngalula Kabutakapua, Milica Pesic, MDI Director, and Nadia Bellardi, CMFE Project Coordinator.
The event takes place on Monday, February 22nd, 14:00-15:30 and is free.
To attend, please register here – places are limited!
New Neighbours has been collecting good practice and success stories on how to provide factual information on migration, as well as promoting direct participation of migrants and refugees in media production. Led by the European Broadcasting Union, the project runs until the end of March 2021, involving 9 European Public Service Broadcasters from Croatia, Germany, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain and Portugal. Alongside the films, which build the heart of the New Neighbours project, a series of complementary productions, training and research activities took place, under the responsibility of the project partners CMFE – Community Media Forum Europe, COMMIT, COSPE Onlus and MDI – Media Diversity Institute.
New Neighbours is funded by the European Union's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and by the U.S. Agency for Global Media.
You can follow the project via Twitter @newneighbours1 and
About the EBU
The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is the world's foremost alliance of public service media (PSM). Our mission is to make PSM indispensable. We have 116 member organisations in 56 countries and have an additional 34 Associates in Asia, Africa, Australasia and the Americas. Our Members operate nearly 2,000 television, radio and online channels and services, and offer a wealth of content across other platforms. Together they reach an audience of more than one billion people around the world, broadcasting in more than 160 languages. We operate Eurovision and Euroradio services.
Discover more about the EBU on
About CMFE
Founded in 2004, Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) represents networks, national federations and organisations active within the Third Media Sector at the European level. CMFE supports community media in maintaining a clearly distinct identity alongside the national public service and private commercial media, raising awareness of their contributions to pluralism, democratic participation and media literacy.
See also
COMMIT was founded in 2010 and works to extend and improve further training for community media practitioners in Austria and in Europe. COMMIT organises training and develops concepts for further education in the field of community media and adult learning. COMMIT works towards professionalisation and formal recognition of community media training and of the acquired skills.
See also
COSPE, established in 1983, is a registered non-profit association recognised since 1984 as Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the European Union. Cospe implements projects in about 27 extra-EU Countries, in Europe and in Italy promoting fair and sustainable development, global citizenship, intercultural dialogue and human rights.
See also
About Media Diversity Institute
The Media Diversity Institute (MDI) is an international organisation entirely devoted to working with the media to prevent conflict through improving reporting on race, ethnicity, religion, human rights and other diversity issues which can cause disputes/conflicts at the local, national, regional or international level. Since its start in 1998 MDI has worked in Western, Eastern, and South East Europe, the former Soviet States, West Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.
See also
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