Counter Narrative Storytelling
First workshop on Contents, formats and strategies to engage audiences and counter discrimination
Journalists, community media producers and NGO representatives will meet at the Presseclub Concordia in Vienna on April 3rd and 4th to exchange good practices on prevention of hate speech and discrimination, in particular against women journalists, refugees and migrants. The workshop is part of the international Media Literacy workshop series co-organised by COMMIT Community Medien Institut and CMFE Community Media Forum Europe within the Media Against Hate Campaign.
Mukti Jain Campion, trainer and producer from Culture Wise, will focus on inclusive approaches to storytelling through “Stories that connect, not divide”.
Tim Verheyden, trainer and former chief of storytelling at VRT News, will share his tips for storytelling building blocks that effectively circulate (alternative) narratives and connect with audiences.
Daniela Kraus, managing director of fjum_forum journalismus und medien wien, and Ingrid Brodnig, journalist and author, will discuss counterspeech and audience engagement, sharing strategies to strengthen community interaction in online forums whilst safeguarding hate-free discussion environments.
Media against Hate project partners: Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE), European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), ARTICLE 19, Media Diversity Institute (MDI), Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA), Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (COSPE) and Community Media Institute (COMMIT).
In cooperation with fjum_forum journalismus und medien wien.
The project is financially supported by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union, by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (U.S.) and by the Media & Internet Division of the Council of Europe.
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