Media Against Hate
Die Online Module des Projekts Media Against Hate sind zum Download auf unserer Webseite verfügbar (auf Englisch):
Training module 1: Ethical journalism practices on migrants and refugees (EFJ)
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Training module 2: Inclusion through media (CMFE & COMMIT)
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Training module 3: Media Against ‘Hate Speech’ (A19 / Training Module for media regulators and law enforcement authorities)
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Training module 4: How to counter hate speech and manage an online community (COSPE / addressed to journalists, bloggers, media activists, social media managers and professionals involved in the contrast of online hate speech)
Download (PDF)
The MAH project’s resources and research are all available online on the campaign website.
The report Responding to ‘hate speech’ by Article 19 provides a comparative overview of legal and policy responses to ‘hate speech’ in six EU countries: Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom. The individual country reports are also available under
COMMIT Newsletter
14-tägig Updates erhalten
Call: mach mit im Bürger*innenrat Medien und Demokratie!
Podcast: COMMITed - Kritische Medienkompetenz im Fokus
Webseite und Handreichung Medien.Recht.Ethik